Wow...these past 8 months have just flown by! You have learned so much and continue to learn and grow everyday. It is so much fun! You make you dad and I laugh and smile everyday with your cheery disposition. You are starting to giggle at lots of things, especially when you play peek-a-boo and get a little scared!
Weight: 13lbs 4 oz
Height: 25.4"
Just for fun - mommy took picture of you in some of the outfits that your cousin Sophia once wore.
Here are pics of you in the same onesie that Sophia was wearing in the hospital and in an outfit that she wore at around 3-4 weeks :) You are my peanut!!!
On May 5th, we went to Lyla's house for a Cinco de Mayo party. Lots of your friends from babytime were there so it was great to catch up with them! Here you are with Kate and Riley.
The following weekend (May 10-12) we took you for your first vacation. We drove 5 hours to Osoyoos for Mother's day weekend. You experienced lots of first that weekend. First time "driving a car", seeing a river, touching a lake, swimming outdoors and your first time sleeping in a different crib. You LOVED the stops that we made at Manning Park to see all the nature around you. You and daddy planned a great Mother's day for me including a massage!
May 17th, we took you to your first symphony! It was small, only 4 instruments, but you really enjoyed listening to all the music and seeing the people on stage.
You are doing VERY well with eating and you now eat solids 2x/day, usually lunch and dinner. Broccoli is your favourite food (we have to give it to you last so you eat other things), you have tried cucumber, peanut butter, asparagus, turkey sausage, potato, peas, lentils, steak, mushrooms, yogurt and cauliflower this month. You insist on feeding yourself, even foods that require a spoon. Mommy can give you the spoon with food on it, but you HAVE to do it...there is no feeding you!
This month we also started a sign language class that mommy won on Facebook. We have enjoyed the classes so far and practicing our meal and bedtime signs. Thank you to Amanda at Tiny Talking Hands for the opportunity to learn with you and Beebo. As well as sign language, we are continuing our music class. You have now figured out how to shake the instruments and make your own music :)
The biggest change this month has to be much more mobile you want to be! You constantly want to be standing and walking and it seems like you want to skip crawling all together. You have learned how to push from your tummy to knees and then rock, you can go from knees/hand to sitting, from siting to tummy and you are working hard on trying to pull yourself up on things (even in the bath tub..yikes!) You have managed to take a few steps around your activity table and love walking with mommy or daddy whenever you can. You are super strong and even started doing handstand by pushing up against mom's feet!
You are also becoming more vocal and saying aba, ba, ba a lot and with a loud voice. You are even starting to have "conversations" with your friend Kate...its so cute!
Here is how you have grown this month!
Love you Gator!