Friday, March 13, 2015

17 months

Dear Ayla,

This has been such a cool month as you have learned so many "big girl" things. You are babbling and saying a few more words, climbing up stair and sliding at the park by yourself and you have mastered climbing onto the rocking chair and couch all by yourself. You are FEARLESS!!! Luckily you also have great balance so you haven't fallen...yet, but I know its coming one day.


Weight: 17 lbs 1.8 oz
Height: 29.4"

We started off the month with an early valentine's party at Sharon's with a yummy pancake breakfast. You had so much fun playing with all your friends. You even decorated and ate a cupcake.

Uncle Eyal and auntie Lindsay came to visit for a week. We didn't get to see them too much, but when you did you enjoyed being with them. It took you a while to warm up to them, but once you did, you had so much fun! You loved seeing auntie Lindsay's belly with your new cousin in it.

We took you to the Aquarium and you didn't have the best day. You were so overwhelmed by the people and all the things to see that you had many meltdowns. By the end, you started to enjoy the calmer tanks. But most of the creatures scared you, you didn't like when they moved.

Your latest "thing" while grocery shopping is to reach back and grab things to eat. Luckily so far its only been celery and bananas. You are a healthy eater for sure!

You are enjoying reading books to yourself. You especially love this number book. You read it over and over again. You have started giving kisses when asked (sometimes), but you give them by licking our face. It's cute, especially when you do it European style where you do both cheeks!

The weather has been so beautiful that we have been spending a lot of time outside. You are enjoying walking to the park and playing while we are there. You are able to climb up the stairs and going down the slide by yourself - its impressive! You have really good body control and people are always amazed at what you can do alone.


Its funny to think that you have been wearing this hat for over a year, it still looks good on you!
You have been learning lots of new things this month. You are working on drinking from an open cup (you like to shake it), you are climbing on everything (like the rocking chair) and you all of a sudden have a bunch of words.

You can say: Hi, Bye, nanana (banana), mama, daddy, Aya, Leo, beebo, purple, puppy, hat, eye, pea, tantew (thank you) and you are copying lots of words that we say. Its so great to hear your little voice.

Feb 15 

Feb 27 
March 4

Your comprehension skills are amazing to us. You know the routines when we arrive and leave daycare, you bring mommy and daddy their shoes, you take things to the garbage when asked and you can find your water bottle and take it your new high chair. You are very much a thinker! 

This month day daycare we had a really sad day. Julia (one of your faves) left to go and be a manager at another daycare. You and Julia always had a special bond and seeing her leave was very sad, although it is the right decision for her. I tried to get a picture of the 2 of you, but you were having nothing to do with that! 

Here you are all dressed up and 17 months old!

Love you Gator!! 
