Friday, December 6, 2013

2 months

Dear Ayla,

I can't believe that it has been 2 months since you turned our world upside down, in a good way! You have fit in so nicely to our family and its hard to imagine what life was like before you. We are falling more in love with your every day!

2 month Stats:

Weight: 8 pounds 6oz (as of Dec 4)
Length: 20.25 inches

You have grown so much and you love getting dressed in the morning (except you ALWAYS kick your socks off)! Newborn clothing is still a little too big for you (but thats ok) and you are wearing newborn diapers too (but that will change soon).

This month you have been much more alert and interacting with mama and daddy more. You are willing to do tummy time, but when you can't roll over you get frustrated. You are so close and you often throw your bum in the air.

When daddy gets home, you LOVE spending time with him, especially doing "jumpas". You LOVE to jump and when you are a bit stronger we will have to get you a Jolly Jumper. You even visited Cartwheels and did your first "jumps" on the trampoline. You also love to be upside down! You have started tracking mommy and daddy with your eyes  and we have started to see some smiles :)

You spent a lot of time meeting new friends and you love hanging out with the family. We are almost finished our baby time group at Newton and have started to go to one in Cloverdale. We have also been going to story time at the library on Wednesday morning. You LOVE listening to the songs and joining in.

This month was Hanukkah and you really enjoyed looking at the candles.

 Saba and Safta had us over for a Hanukkah party at their house. Her are pics with Grandma Melamie, Cousin Sophia and Uncle Shaun.

We had a power outage that lasted from 8:00pm to 4:00pm the next day, but we couldn't miss your favourite time of the day...bath time. Here you are enjoying a bath by the light of the menorah.

You had your first visit to Children's hospital for an ultrasound on your hip. You had a slight click in your left hip at birth and they just wanted  to check it out to make sure everything is ok. As the Dr said "everything is tickity boo!"

Every night we do bath time because you LOVE it! We have started pouring water down your head more and you are trying to drink it...its so cute! The more water we pour, the happier you are! You can be in a grumpy mood, but the moment we walk to the bathroom, you get so happy. You enjoy looking at yourself in the mirror while in the bath.

You are starting to sleep more at night. There have been many nights where you have gone to sleep at 10:30 and only woken up at 4:30 or 5:00 for food. This makes mama very happy!

Here are a few more pics from the month:

Looking like Daddy! 
Sleeper from great grandma
Trying to smile

Look how big your are getting!!!

I am loving watching you grow and learn and can't wait to see what next month brings!

Love you Gator!
