Tuesday, May 20, 2014

7 months

Dear Ayla,

You are such a joy to be around. You smile is infectious and you are so curious about trying new things. Everyone who meets you comments on how happy you are and how you have the best smile! You love looking around at all the new things to see and if there is a person to make eye contact and engage with, you are right there smiling at them!


Weight: 12 lbs 12oz
Height: 24.3"

We are continuing to try you on new foods. You are really good at getting the food into your mouth, but the swallowing part is still a bit tricky, but it's getting better every meal.

This month you have tried: yam, chicken, avocado, pancake, carrot, matzah ball, egg, butternut squash, broccoli and zucchini. So far, broccoli seems to be your favourite food!

We had our last day of babytime on April 8. It was sad to leave this great group of moms and babies, but we have made many new friends there and we will be keeping in touch with them! The nurses at health unit have been an amazing support group for us and we will miss them, but we will stop in to get weighed once in a while!

On April 10th, you decided that you didn't want to sleep in our room anymore. While mommy wasn't quite ready for you to move into your own room, you had other ideas! You went to bed at 8:30 and around 10:30 you woke up so I fed you. You went back down, but only for a few minutes before you screamed again, so I picked you up, got you settled and put you back down. Again, you woke up screaming. This went on until almost midnight with both mommy and daddy trying to settle you. Finally at just before midnight, mommy decided to try putting you in your own room in your crib and you went right to sleep and slept for 5 hrs! I guess you knew what you wanted! You have been sleeping very well in there since.

We went to Strong Start at mommy's school for the first time on April 11. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but it was fun. We met some new friends, played with toys even did circle time where we sang songs and heard a story. We will hopefully be going there a lot!

You are doing really well at sitting up. I can leave you sitting now and you will sit for a good 5-10 minutes playing with your toys. Your core is super strong and you are not falling backwards as often as you were. These photos were taken April 7,10 and 14th.

For as little as you are, you are super strong. You can stand at your activity table for several minutes without falling and you can "walk" several steps with help. IF you  re standing and we let go of you, you can balance on your own for a second or too! You also LOVE being in your jolly jumper!

You LOVE to be tossed around by your daddy and I. We bounce you on the mattress, throw you in the air and flip you around. You are always full of smiles and giggles when we do these things. You also enjoy taking daddy's glasses off his face. It is the first thing you do when you see him in the evening, after giving him a HUGE smile!

We try and take you to the park as often as we can. You enjoy being on the swings and April 15th you had your first slide. Daddy took you down and mommy waited at the bottom and took a video. The first one was a success!

The second tome, mommy had you at the bottom on the slide and thought she was taking a picture, but it was actually on video. You laughed and wiggled yourself off! Its the funniest video! Luckily the slide isn't very high and you didn't "fall" too far!

We started taking a music class and you enjoy going there! When Miss Kelly starts playing any instrument, you are so focused on what she is doing. You haven't quite figured out how to "play" your instruments, but you love eating them! Lots of your friends also go to music - Jillian, Kate and Landon are all there. 

On April 16th, we took you to Sears for some more 6 month photos - mommy is a little photo crazy! Here are some of my favs!

On April 21, you rode in the shopping cart like a "big girl" for the first time. You are so fascinated by all the things to see there. Everyone who sees you in there comments on how well you sit and that you cant be big enough to be doing that!

On May 3, me you and daddy went to an art class. Its a good thing daddy was there because otherwise the art work wouldn't have been as good as it is! We decided to make an aylagator and used your hands and feet for the hands and feet and your toes for the scales.

May 5 we went to a Cinco de Mayo party at Lyla's place. It was great to catch up with some of our friends from baby time. Here is a picture of you, Riley and Kate.

You still enjoy your bedtime routine of bath, naked story time, diaper, saying good night to the baby in the window (mirror) and then a feed. You love hearing the same stories over and over again and are even starting to turn the pages. After your routine you usually go down very easily at around 8 and sleep for about 12 hours, with 2 feeds in there.

Here are your weekly pics from this month. You have such a different expression in each picture!

I am just loving watching you grow, explore and learn new skills. You are an amazing child and I am so lucky that you are mine!!!

Love you Gator!


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